Friday, October 10, 2008

Minnesota GreenStar Credits related to Windows

In a previous post, I mentioned how LEED credits relate to windows. If you are installing windows in a new home, replacing windows in an existing home, or manufacturing/selling window products, knowing the Minnesota GreenStar credits that relate to windows might also be helpful.

Minnesota GreenStar is only related to residential projects, not commercial. It has both a Remodeling program and a New Homes program.

The Minnesota GreenStar checklist and manual are extremely detailed, and for a person who has not yet gone through the process, it may seem a bit daunting. I have taken out the credits relating to windows and posted them below. Click to enlarge the photo. If you'd like a larger version, please contact me and I'd be happy to send you a pdf version of the file.

Minnesota GreenStar Remodeling related to windows

Minnesota GreenStar Remodeling checklist
Minnesota GreenStar Remodeling manual

Minnesota GreenStar New Homes as relating to windows

Minnesota GreenStar New Homes checklist
Minnesota GreenStar New Homes manual
Minnesota GreenStar New Homes points thresholds for home size

Just a note about the program - Windows made with FSC-certified materials or local materials can attain points. However, it currently does not state that windows made from environmentally preferable materials, such as rapidly-renewable, recycled-content, or salvaged material-content can attain points. However, if such a product did exist, it would be taken into consideration for point allocation. So if you've got a great idea for this type of window, be sure to let the Minnesota GreenStar people know.

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