Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Credit ID 1.2, Integrated design team

Assemble a design team to perform integrated functions.

I have incorporated this credit into the construction specifics by using the following language:

I. Meet with team members that fulfill at least three of the following expertise:

  • -architectural/residential design
  • -landscape design, civil engineering, habitat restoration, land planning
  • -green building/sustainable design
  • -mechanical or energy engineering
  • -building science or performance testing

II. Actively involve members mentioned above in at least three of the following:

  • -Conceptual/schematic design
  • -LEED planning
  • -Preliminary design
  • -Energy/envelope design or analysis
  • -Design development
  • -Final design, working drawings or specifications
  • -Construction

III. Conduct monthly meetings with team members on project updates, challenges, solutions, and next steps.

Our project team will have no problem meeting the criteria and the design development portions, but the monthly meetings will most likely be via teleconference due to distance. I really like this idea - so high-tech, but also so green!

Author's note:
(This is a pilot and a great deal of flexibility has been given. This is not business as usual and the limitations cannot be anticipated when the program fully launches in a couple of months. LEED expects to add more people to cover a larger portion of the US in the future. I applaud LEED for giving us this flexibility in the project, thank you!)

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